

From adults to teenagers everybody smokes. Why is that? honesty I don't know, but real question is why do teenagers smoke?, and what can smoking cause?. First of all why do teenagers smoke? the answer why some of them smoke is really simple some of them want to smoke because they think that smoking makes you cool but in fact it doesn't if you smoke you are a big looser there aren't no good things in smoking but some don't realise that and others too late. If you want to start smoking start smoking at the age of 20-25 not 12 or 15 like others, but my advice is that you shouldn't start smoking. The next question is what can smoking cause?. First bad skin: smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin, bad breath: cigarettes leave smokers with a condition called halitosis, or persistent bad breath, reduced athletic performance, increased risk of illness. But in severe cases smoking can cause cancer, tuberculosis (TBC) and other diseases. So think twice when you put a cigarette in your mouth. If you want to quit smoking I don't really know any methods you should look it up on the internet and check out more details about what smoking can cause. My advice to you is really simple put down the cigarette and quit smoking if don't want to be ill and if you don't want to have problems with your lungs.

2 comentarii:

  1. o fost interesant omule imi place cum gandesti si ai avut o initiativa buna sa scri despre smoking pt ca maulti incep de tineri si greu se ma lasa de smoking
    PS:bn ca scri in english ma exersez si eu
