
Pics, Pics and more Pics

So I made an image in photoshop, of course I made something else, not what we were told to do, because it wasn't interesting at all.
I'm not going into details on how I made it, I'll just say that it was really simple to make. Enjoy the pic of Plant and Page.



Three suggestions to improve the practice hour, well it's easy:

- going out and taking pictures
- more picture editing in photoshop plus text
- watch a movie then discus how the movie was made, what effects were used, how were they used, what cameras were used to make the movie
- not that much excel and word, more powerpoint and a bit of html
- if possible learning how to make subtitles for movies, and sound mixing(not that possible, we require head phones or speakers)

That's about it that I had to suggest.


...Dust PC's n' Mopping....


"In data de 15 noiembrie in jurul orei 10 a inceput desfasurarea proiectului. Elevii au fost impartiti in 2 echipe de cate 5 elevi. Scopul activitatii a fost curatarea unei zone in laborator.

Prima echipa a fost echipa activa formata din Galea Ioana, Varga Melinda,Torok Camelia, Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu. Scopul echipei active a fost sa faca curatenie.

A doua echipa a fost echipa pasiva si a fost formata din Timisan Alexandra, Brandas Razvan, Cardos Razvan, Varga Ioana si Sanader Sorin. Scopul echipei a fost sa observe activitatea primei echipe.

Sefa primei echipe a fost Galea Ioana. Ea le-a dat membrilor echipei ei cate o sarcina. Torok Camelia a sters monitoarele, tastaturile si mesele de praf. Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu au curatat unitatile centrale in interior. Varga Melinda a maturat si a ajutat stersul de praf al tastaturilor. Galea Ioana a aspirat scaunele si a ajutat la ajutat Brata Radu la demontatul calculatoarelor. Drobota Ovidiu a pus mesele la loc ajutat de Sanader Sorin.

In final intreaga echipa a pus calculatoarele la locul lor verificand daca au acces la internet. Galea Ioana a aspirat covorul iar activitatea primei echipe s-a incheiat.

Ambele echipe au tratat cu seriozitate activitatea si totul a fost gata la ora 11".

Just so you should know these wasn't written by me, I never I mean never ever ever write in romainian on the blog. I was just too lazy to write these article my self, I was busy taking pics.


Blah Blah Blah...

So this article is dedicated to the things that I did these past two weeks. Honestly I can't remember, just a few things, and no details.

- Went to the park and took pictures
- Worked in photoshop, picture editing
- Worked in html, picture tables
- Gave a test

That's about the only thing that I had to say, can't remember the dates.



Clearly these was the most boring photoshop editing ever, seriously making images look like poker cards and then putting them together and the most annoying thing was that they had to have a really small size which I hate, because I dislike working with small images, they aren't clear enough. Anyway I'm missing a few images, the reason for missing a few images is that not all of them had the same size and I got bored of resizing them. I'm not going to go into details on how I made them, because all of us had to make a "poker card" form images then mail them to one and other after that we had to put all together using photoshop. In conclusion it was boring. Here's a tip for you watch the following movies: Tthe Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Inglorious Bastards, Annie Hall.


Dark Editing

So in case you don't have no idea in those pictures we have the beautiful and talented Anne Hathaway. So the thing that I've done is Edit it using Photoshop cs2 but if you want to do more complex dark and artistic things I strongly recommend the use of Photoshop cs5.1. All in all I'm really tiered so I won't tell you how I made the image.